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 Hello dear Msi i want to use my monitor with DP cable and able to selec 144hz option in order to use my capture card in passtrough in 1440p 144hz becouse u limited this option only if u use it with HDMI i have no option to do that my GPU has only 1HDMI out and 3 dp out PLS can someone fix this option trough Firmwere update or anything i would love to see some response DP 12 does have enough bandwidth for 1440p at 144Hz Many people have done this before Monitors like the PG278Q only have a DisplayPort input and nothing elseDP 12 = 1728 Gbit/s DP 13 = 2592 Gbit/s I actually made a spreadsheet that can calculate roughly how much bandwidth you need for any specific display dimensions and refresh rates When putting in 2560x1440 at 144hz, I get 1351 Gbit/s required So DP 12 should work Use 13 if

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